Week 2 assignments
What assignments are you most intrigued by?: One of the assignments I'm most excited and interested in is doing the Unity3D assignments because i've never used Unity and you can do a lot with that program the main one people use it for is for making games, and I'm a very big fan of gaming and I think it would be pretty cool to learn how to make a game and how they do the code for how the game works.
How is this like/unlike what you have done in other classes?: I wouldn't really consider any other classes that are similar to this class the only one i'd say is kinda of similar is the photography class I did last year when we had to take photos and describe the photos we have taken and why we have taken the photo, thats the only thing similar too this class, after that this class is completely different to other classes in my opinion.
Are there any extra credit options that grab your attention?: The only extra credit options that has grabbed my attention is probably the Growth Mindset extra credit option, because I don't believe that this extra credit options is different from the other ones because it's more personal and it's meant to help you grow and self improve and become a better person.
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