Week 2 Time Strategies
Were the articles useful?: Yeah the articles were useful I learned some new things from reading the articles the two articles I read was How to Beat Procrastination
Increase your creative output with 14 time management tips just for creatives.
Did you learn anything new that you can try this semester?: One thing i can try this semester is being more organised, because most of the time especially last year in first year I was pretty organised and a lot of my work was very messy and all over the place.
Based on your classes overall last semester, what do you think your biggest time challenges will be?: The biggest challenges that this semester will have for me is probably group work because you can only hope that the other people in your group get there work done, and are not slacking off.
Do you already have a time management strategy that works really well for you?: I don't have a time management strategy yet but I have been working on my sleep schedule I've been trying to wake up early and I have been very successful with that but eventually i will want to have a schedule were I can still have a social life and I'll be able to pass all my modules this year at the same time.
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