Feedback thoughts
The two articles I read was a fixed mindset could be holding you back and Silence the critical voices in your head.
When I was reading these two articles it did open my eyes on how I look at feedback I liked the section in a fixed mindset in the changing how you think section, where even though you know that you have a fixed mindset it's not a bad thing it's a good thing because now your more self aware of you and your surrounding and now you can change your fixed mindset into a growth mindset, but it's not going to be easy you don't just one day get up and boom you are now in a growth mindset, theres levels to it and it's going to take time maybe weeks, months or years it depends on the person.
And if you have a fixed mindset you struggle to adapt because your so used to the thing that you are really good at doing and it's a bad thing really because now you would be scared to try and learn a new skill set, but people with a growth mindset you are more willing to try and learn new skills, you may not be good at the start but you know that already and you know it's going to take time to get decent or even good at it, but eventually you do become good at it.
Silence the critical voices in your head I could relate to that I think everyone can relate to that, you can be working hard on let's say a project you tried you best to make it as perfect as possible and when you finally present to your teacher and they just tell you what you did wrong and why it's not as good as you think it is and this is really bad because teachers will always tell you what you did wrong and not what you did right, so all the good parts you did do, you don't care about you don't even notice it because you care so much about the negative even the if it was a tiny bit of negative. After reading this article it shows me that it's ok to be sad about the negatives in your work or what ever your doing but you should be happy with what you did right and learn from the wrong and do better so you won't make the same mistakes.
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