Unity Tutorial 03
In this Unity lesson we learned how to make a game with a top down view where animals were coming at us and we use a food object like a pizza to defend are selves in this game, the three tutorials we did were pretty easy but I did have a couple problems with the coding here and there and that was mostly because I made a lot of typos when making the code, and thats why it took me a while I was getting confused until I realised why it wasn't working.
The first tutorial we learned how to make the player move left and right and to make sure that the player was hitting an invisible box on the right and left side so the players character didn't go and fall off the map, we learned some new skills like object scale and if statements. On the second tutorial we made the player be able to shoot projectiles with projectile prefab, we also used code to make the projectile and animals disappear when they are off the map.
In the last tutroial we learned how to make the animals spawn using the spawn manger and to make the animal selection and spawn location was randomised, the player was able to spawn the animals using the S key
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