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Week 17(05)

 Reading 05

I just finished doing reading 05 and I won't lie at first I had no clue to what was going on or how I had to do it, I was just watching the video and it didn't make no sense at first but I watched the video a couple more times and then it started to make more sense with the coding documents and coming up and making themes from the codes we have came up with from are Bibliographies that we have made in the past couple of weeks.

The topic that I was picked was video game addiction and how people get addicted to playing video games and why it's increasing more rapidly and it's one day going to become a more global issue as the years come up because even though video game addiction is still pretty small in the western countries unlike the Asian countries like china and Korea it will most likely increase over the years and thanks to the pandemic it's going to increase that's why I picked this topic.

This is some of the code that I picked it's very simple and as you can see the red outlines is what they relate to with the codes for example the no responsibilities code is basically how Charlie said when he was younger his parents would always tell him to stop being on the game so much but he would always have his homework done so he could combat what they would say about him playing his game to much, but when he went to college there was no parent to tell him that he was on the game to much so eventually he just stopped going to classes and just dropped out of college and went back home to live with his parents 

These are the five themes that I picked I believe that they are pretty good and cover almost if all the topics that would cover everything that is going on about video game addiction.


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