Reading week 3-Game design What is a game anyway?: Reading this made me see that theres to just calling a "game" a game because theres a lot more stuff going into making a game, at first when I saw the article I didn't want to read it because I thought most of it would just be common sense, but then I read the Critical Vocabulary section which made me laugh because what is said was true when we describe a new game to someone, one of the ways we do it is by describing them from other games like this game is basically a downgraded Grand Theft Auto or this game is a mix of Call of duty and Rainbow six siege, and it's not an accurate answer at all because the game most likely doesn't even play like the games we would describe it's like, it's a pretty vague and not a very detailed answer, but most people that play games for a while would understand it, but then I was thinking of the point of view of someone that doesn't play games and how would they diges...
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