Week 3-Unity Tutorial 01
This is my blog Where I will be discussing my experience while doing Unity Tutorial 01, lesson1.1 was pretty simple the tutorial just shows us the basics on how to start up a project how and where to download your assets and put the assets into the game.We also learned the difference with the game view and scene view, what the project, hierarchy and inspector windows do, the different ways to navigate the 3D space we also learned how to customize the layout so we can place and organise each of the windows to any spot that where we want it to be.
In lesson1.2 we started ti actual learn how to use functions in unity to make certain commands for a game, we learned how to move the vehicle to go down the road by using code by adding a script to the vehicle so it can move we also added scripts to obstacles as well and added mass to both the obstacle and vehicle to have impact when the vehicle hits the obstacle.
In lesson1.3 we learned how change the speed of the vehicle , we also made the camera position to follow the vehicle instead of the camera being stuck in one spot and the vehicle just drives off to the distance, we also learned how to change the play mode tint so we can tell when we are in game mode because the default setting for game mode is dark grey and the normal mode is light grey so it can be hard to tell the difference so by changing it can help I guess.
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