Review week comments and feedback in: The feedback that I have received from the people in my class in this module has helped me a good bit when it came to my project and a few of the comments were useful, at first I didn't really want to look at any of the comments but I knew if I didn't look at any then maybe my project will not be a that good or as good as it could possibly be if I just look into the feedback some people gave me. One of the feedback I gotten was to stop over analysing things when I was talking about my game the one I accidentally deleted and how I was more focus on how the game looked rather than if the game could actually run. out: The feedback I have left for other students was alright I just gave them tips on stuff that they may have not known they could do or improve on and sometimes they just made very easy mistakes and I would just point them out, and yeah some of the people in this module are very creative and I was inspired by a few of them and even wanted to take a few ideas from them.
3.Blog comments: I wouldn't really say that people are going to get to know others just because of the way they write there blogs or how there whole blog is setup because some people probably don't really care with how it looks like and just slap up anything on just for the sake of it, some people blogs if you do look at them you can tell they really did try their best to make sure it looks nice and I can respect that you can see a tiny bit of personality from them but can I say I connected to people more just from reading their blogs nope, because you have to do more than that to connect with people like actually talk to them face to face etc . I'm pretty happy with my blog yeah maybe I missed a few blogs here and there but I'm quite happy with the work that I have put of on it
4.Looking forward: As of right now I don't really think there much of way to make giving feedback to other people and receiving the feedback from others to yourself, theres only so much you can do with feedback and it really just depends on the person, if there willing to put aside there ego because a lot of people are prideful, take the information they have gotten from the other students, learn from it and actually implement what they have just learned and see if it helps them or not, the same goes for me as-well, I read the feedback and start to analyse the points they made see if I agree with some and if I don't agree with some because everyone has different opinions and apply it to my project.
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