Week 22(10) The topic that I am doing is video game addiciton and in this week we had to make a couple graphics the show more and give an actual image to what we are trying to say and I'm a big into being creative so I really liked this and really really enjoyed doing this part of the project because I like drawing images and just being creative in general. The first image that I made is basically a guy that's to stuck in the game and he needs to play "one more level" and the person in the back is watching him and he's worried about him, this is what a lot of parents mostly feel when there kids is playing way to much videos and that's their only hobby and how they spend their time day after day, which happens a lot in a lot of households and it sad because the child or the adult sometimes even don't understand how unhealthy and unproductive that lifestyle is and how it will hurt you in the long run. The second image is basica...
Reading(08) I just finished writing my essay and I don't know if we had to make the essay on a different topic because I won't lie I had to read what we had to do a lot of times so I'm pretty much assuming that we have to make the essay based on the topic that we have been doing for the past couple weeks and the topic that I have been doing and I'm actually enjoying because I'm learning something new and the topic I'm doing is video game addiction and how it will increase in the next couple years. I watched all the videos on the page and it opened me up on how to write a better essay I tried to apply what I learned from the videos and I'm not going to lie to myself I still got ways to go but I do believe that my essay writing has gotten a bit better and will get better the more I do it thanks to watching those videos. I realised that the essay can't be boring or just a whole summary of what I have been talking about for the past couple of years and I app...