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Showing posts from October, 2020

Week 5-Project

  Game vision statement  Game genre: The game genre that I will be choosing from a serious of options like shooters, action adventure and role playing games I was having a hard time in thinking what type of game I wanted because when ever I get told a project and we have all the power to make it anyone I want I get and have so many different ideas in my head it gets too much sometimes and I had to realise that I was only new to game development so all the complex and cool features that I wanted for my game would be very difficult so I went for one of the simpler routes and chose to make a plat-former game. Gameplay: The gameplay for the plat-former was going to be similar to how super Mario gameplay is because one I liked super Mario so it would be fun to make a game similar to it and Mega man another plat-former just like Mario but instead of just jumping around just like in Mario, Mega man has a shooting aspect in the game, so I know that I'm definitely going to have co...

Week 5-Unity Tutorial 03

 Unity Tutorial 03 In this Unity lesson we learned how to make a game with a top down view where animals were coming at us and we use a food object like a pizza to defend are selves in this game, the three tutorials we did were pretty easy but I did have a couple problems with the coding here and there and that was mostly because I made a lot of typos when making the code, and thats why it took me a while I was getting confused until I realised why it wasn't working. The first tutorial we learned how to make the player move left and right and to make sure that the player was hitting an invisible box on the right and left side so the players character didn't go and fall off the map, we learned some new skills like object scale and if statements. On the second tutorial we made the player be able to shoot projectiles with projectile prefab, we also used code to make the projectile and animals disappear  when they are off the map. ...

Week 4-Feedback

  Feedback Strategies After reading the two articles I have chosen to read which were "Try feedforward Instead of Feedback" and "Be a mirror", after reading these two i'll explain how my knowledge on feedback has gotten much bigger than before. I already knew feedback was a very important thing but I didn't really think on how much different types of ways you can use feedback for example downward feedback which is one of the traditionally methods of information using feedback where the leaders would give downward feedback to their employees, and it's also the same way for employees can give feedback to their leaders which is called upward feedback. But what I really liked about this article was how it said a big problem with all these types of feedback is that it focuses on the past and on what has already happened not on the infinite opportunities that can happen in the future, I liked this part of the article because I agree with this statement a lot b...

Week 4-Project

 Game Idea Research  From my brainstorm that I have done last week I have now been thinking about type of game I want to make based on all the ideas I made from the brainstorm Ideas that I came up last week and I think I want to make a 2D plat-former type of game, because I believe i'll will have a very enjoyable process when designer the game which is very important that's why it took me a while to pick which idea I wanted to do because one of my ideas was making a zombie fps game but then I realised how hard that's going to be especially with me that has very little game design knowledge. The second reason is because when I was younger I did play a handful of 2D games especially on my DS lite when that was a thing so it would be pretty cool to make a 2D plat-former game. I really want to have the plat-former aspect as one of my game mechanics for this game the movements would be kind of similar to super Mario.

Week4- Unity tutorial 02

 Week4- Unity tutorial 02 This is my second blog discussing my experience after finishing the second unity tutorial and I have to say my second time using this program was way better than the first time because I'm a bit for familiar with how everything works now thanks to the first tutorial I was able to finish each task much faster now and was able to understand what the person was telling me to do because the first tutorial I was having trouble with the code and other software problems but I got passed that now and the program is very easy to use. In this tutorial we had to learn too move the vehicle left and right instead of it just going straight so now we were able to move it either direction, so now we can actually try and doge the boxes instead of just hitting the boxes, but the only way we can move it was by dragging it to the right or to the left, we then learned about mapping the controls to the keys but the great thing about unity is that it already does it for you whic...

Week 4-Reading

  Game Elements  Reading the two articles What are the qualities of game design and Game design research  and watching the video of game design, helped me see where I need to know and understand the process of making a game and what I should be thinking when I start designing my game. I liked the part in What are the qualities of game design in the critical analysis section, it opened my view on what I should be focusing on when I'm making my game, like what challenges are the players are going to face and how are they going to overcome these challenges or maybe if the game is repayable, does the game have many different ways to win or finish the game. I also learned that critical analysis is very important for people that are into game design and how critical analysis is a skill because anyone can review a game but not everyone is going to be good at describing their thoughts when talking about the game, like the person reviewing the ga...

Week 3-Feedback

 Feedback thoughts The two articles I read was a fixed mindset could be holding you back and Silence the critical voices in your head. When I was reading these two articles it did open my eyes on how I look at feedback I liked the section in a fixed mindset in the changing how you think section, where even though you know that you have a fixed mindset it's not a bad thing it's a good thing because now your more self aware of you and your surrounding and now you can change your fixed mindset into a growth mindset, but it's not going to be easy you don't just one day get up and boom you are now in a growth mindset, theres levels to it and it's going to take time maybe weeks, months or years it depends on the person. And if you have a fixed mindset you struggle to adapt because your so used to the thing that you are really good at doing and it's a bad thing really because now you would be scared to try and learn a new skill set, but people with a growth mindset you...

Project,Week3-Game Brainstorm

 Week3-Game Brainstorm Action Games: What is an action game?: They are games where the player is in  control of and at the center of the action, which is mainly comprised of physical challenges players must overcome, action games are usually easy to get into and they make up most of the popular video games. Types of action games: There are many different types of action games for example Plat-former games are usually games where the character you are player as is doing certain types of moving like running, jumping and falling  throughout the gameplay. Shooter games let the player use weapons to engage in the action with the goal of taking out the enemy to win the game. Fighting games  Focus on combat mostly hand to hand combat where you can use a series of button combination to do something in the game called a combo. Example of action games:  Plat-formers-  Uncharted, Rachel and Clank, Super Mario Bros, Sly Cooper. Shooters- Call of duty, Halo, Doom, ...

Week 3-Unity Tutorial 01

 Week 3-Unity Tutorial 01 This is my blog Where I will be discussing my experience while doing Unity Tutorial 01, lesson1.1 was pretty simple the tutorial just shows us the basics on how to start up a project how and where to download your assets and put the assets into the game.We also learned the difference with the game view and scene view, what the project, hierarchy and inspector windows do, the different ways to navigate the 3D space we also learned how to customize  the layout so we can place and organise each of the windows to any spot that where we want it to be.  In lesson1.2  we started ti actual learn how to use functions in unity to make certain commands for a game, we learned how to move the vehicle to go down the road by using code by adding a script to the vehicle so it can move we also added scripts to obstacles as well and added mass to both the obstacle and vehicle to have impact when the vehicle hits the obstacle. In lesson1.3 we learned how chang...

Reading week 3-Game design

 Reading week 3-Game design What is a game anyway?:  Reading this made me see that theres to just calling a "game" a game because theres a lot more stuff going into making a game, at first when I saw the article I didn't want to read it because I thought most of it would just be common sense, but then I read the Critical Vocabulary section which made me laugh because what is said was true when we describe a new game to someone, one of the ways we do it is by describing them from other games like this game is basically a downgraded Grand Theft Auto or this game is a mix of Call of duty and Rainbow six siege, and it's not an accurate answer at all because the game most likely doesn't even play like the games we would describe it's like, it's a pretty vague and not a very detailed answer, but most people that play games for a while would understand it, but then I was thinking of the point of view of someone that doesn't play games and how would they diges...

Week 2 Time Strategies

 Week 2 Time Strategies  Were the articles useful?: Yeah the articles were useful I learned some new things from reading the articles the two articles I read was How to Beat Procrastination and  Increase your creative output with 14 time management tips just for creatives. Did you learn anything new that you can try this semester?: One thing i can try this semester is being more organised, because most of the time especially last year in first year I was pretty organised and a lot of my work was very messy and all over the place. Based on your classes overall last semester, what do you think your biggest time challenges will be?: The biggest challenges that this semester will have for me is probably group work because you can only hope that the other people in your group get there work done, and are not slacking off.  Do you already have a time management strat...

Week 2 technology

 Week 2 technology Are you already familiar with some of these technology tools?:  The only technology tools that I'm familiar with is Image Editing and Graphics Creation, not from the same programs that you have shown but from different programs like adobe photoshop and adobe  illustrator. How is this online environment like/unlike what you have experienced in other classes?: I like how this online environment is set up because all of the work is already up so it's way easier for me and other students to start are work and projects in this module, unlike other modules like the ones with group work it's a bit harder to do group work because there is no face to face because of the pandemic and group work online can sometimes be very unorganised.  Are there any technical skills that you really want to work on this semester?: Probably on how to use Unity3D because like I said before I think the program is really cool and very interesting on how you can use code and othe...

Week 2 assignments

Week 2 assignments   What assignments are you most intrigued by?:   One of the assignments I'm most excited and interested in is doing the Unity3D assignments because i've never used Unity and you can do a lot with that program the main one people use it for is for making games, and I'm a very big fan of gaming and I think it would be pretty cool to learn how to make a game and how they do the code for how the game works. How is this like/unlike what you have done in other classes?:   I wouldn't really consider any other classes that are similar to this class the only one i'd say is kinda of similar is the photography class I did last year when we had to take photos and describe the photos we have taken and why we have taken the photo, thats the only thing similar too this class, after that this class is completely different to other classes in my opinion.  Are there any extra credit options that grab your attention?: The only extra credit options that...